Getting Started

Svelte-Babylon is a

component library for
. It is highly inspired by
, a component library for building
scene graphs in Svelte apps.

If you find anything not working as expected, it would be great for you to open an


Creating a project

npm create svelte@latest my-new-app
cd my-new-app
npm install
npm run dev
npm create svelte@latest my-new-app
cd my-new-app
npm install
npm run dev

Then install BabylonJS and Svelte-Babylon:

npm install @babylonjs/core svelte-babylon
npm install @babylonjs/core svelte-babylon

Now you're set up to build your own 3D scenes.

Your first scene

<script lang="ts">
	import ArcRotateCamera from 'svelte-babylon/components/Cameras/ArcRotateCamera/index.svelte'
	import Canvas from 'svelte-babylon/components/Canvas/index.svelte'
	import Scene from 'svelte-babylon/components/Scene/index.svelte'
	import Box from 'svelte-babylon/components/Objects/Box/index.svelte'

		<HemisphericLight />
		<ArcRotateCamera />
		<Box />
<script lang="ts">
	import ArcRotateCamera from 'svelte-babylon/components/Cameras/ArcRotateCamera/index.svelte'
	import Canvas from 'svelte-babylon/components/Canvas/index.svelte'
	import Scene from 'svelte-babylon/components/Scene/index.svelte'
	import Box from 'svelte-babylon/components/Objects/Box/index.svelte'

		<HemisphericLight />
		<ArcRotateCamera />
		<Box />

As Svelte-Babylon is a libray that implements BabylonJS in a component driven manner, we can create a very simple scene using only our Svelte knowledge with barely any regard to BabylonJS itself.

Our Canvas component is the wrapper of the BabylonJS

and an HTMLCanvasElement. The Scene component implements a BabylonJS
. Furthermore all components, that are allowed to have children create a
svelte context
which holds the corresponding BabylonJS implementation. This context is bindable, eg. via <Canvas bind:engine>. This allows you to use BabylonJS with all of its features, even if implementations are missing. You have to refer to the
BabylonJS documentation

Let's add Ground and adjust the positions of the box. We also add some settings to the Canvas to make the scene look a little sharper.

<script lang="ts">
  import ArcRotateCamera from 'svelte-babylon/components/Cameras/ArcRotateCamera/index.svelte'
  import Canvas from 'svelte-babylon/components/Canvas/index.svelte'
  import Scene from 'svelte-babylon/components/Scene/index.svelte'
  import Box from 'svelte-babylon/components/Objects/Box/index.svelte'
+  import Ground from 'svelte-babylon/components/Objects/Ground/index.svelte'
+  import HemisphericLight from 'svelte-babylon/components/Lights/HemisphericLight/index.svelte'
+  import type { AbstractMesh } from '@babylonjs/core/Meshes/abstractMesh'
+  import type { Mesh } from '@babylonjs/core/Meshes/mesh.js'
+  import type { Writable } from 'svelte/types/runtime/store'

+  let object: <Writable<Mesh>

- <Canvas>
+ <Canvas
+  antialiasing
+  engineOptions={{
+    preserveDrawingBuffer: true,
+    stencil: true,
+  }}
+ >
    <HemisphericLight />
    <ArcRotateCamera />
-   <Box />
+   <Box y={3} bind:object />
+   <Ground
+     options={{ width: 6, height: 6 }}
+     y={1}
+   />
<script lang="ts">
  import ArcRotateCamera from 'svelte-babylon/components/Cameras/ArcRotateCamera/index.svelte'
  import Canvas from 'svelte-babylon/components/Canvas/index.svelte'
  import Scene from 'svelte-babylon/components/Scene/index.svelte'
  import Box from 'svelte-babylon/components/Objects/Box/index.svelte'
+  import Ground from 'svelte-babylon/components/Objects/Ground/index.svelte'
+  import HemisphericLight from 'svelte-babylon/components/Lights/HemisphericLight/index.svelte'
+  import type { AbstractMesh } from '@babylonjs/core/Meshes/abstractMesh'
+  import type { Mesh } from '@babylonjs/core/Meshes/mesh.js'
+  import type { Writable } from 'svelte/types/runtime/store'

+  let object: <Writable<Mesh>

- <Canvas>
+ <Canvas
+  antialiasing
+  engineOptions={{
+    preserveDrawingBuffer: true,
+    stencil: true,
+  }}
+ >
    <HemisphericLight />
    <ArcRotateCamera />
-   <Box />
+   <Box y={3} bind:object />
+   <Ground
+     options={{ width: 6, height: 6 }}
+     y={1}
+   />

For the Ground we set it's width and height. For the Ground as well as the Box we set their y-position to have a better look at them. Furthermore we bind the Box components object property to a variable.

Using BabylonJS itself we can create a 3D-Vector (a point in the 3D space) which we can pass as a whole to the target property of the ArcRotateCamera for it to focus on the position where the Box is initially placed. Since we bound to the Box components object we could've also used $object.position to archive a similar result. However we would need to make sure, that the Box component has mounted before the ArcRotateCamera.

Now we can add some shadow

<script lang="ts">
  import ArcRotateCamera from 'svelte-babylon/components/Cameras/ArcRotateCamera/index.svelte'
  import Box from 'svelte-babylon/components/Objects/Box/index.svelte'
  import Canvas from 'svelte-babylon/components/Canvas/index.svelte'
  import Scene from 'svelte-babylon/components/Scene/index.svelte'
+  import DirectionalLight from 'svelte-babylon/components/Lights/DirectionalLight/index.svelte'
  import Ground from 'svelte-babylon/components/Objects/Ground/index.svelte'
  import HemisphericLight from 'svelte-babylon/components/Lights/HemisphericLight/index.svelte'
  import type { AbstractMesh } from '@babylonjs/core/Meshes/abstractMesh'
  import type { Mesh } from '@babylonjs/core/Meshes/mesh.js'
  import type { Writable } from 'svelte/types/runtime/store'

  let object: <Writable<Mesh>

+  let shadowObjects: Array<Mesh>
+  $: {
+    const temp: typeof shadowObjects = []
+    if ($object) {
+      temp.push($object)
+    }
+    shadowObjects = temp
+  }

    preserveDrawingBuffer: true,
    stencil: true,
-  <HemisphericLight />
+  <HemisphericLight intensity={0.5} />
+  <DirectionalLight
+    intensity={0.25}
+    direction={new Vector3(-10, -20, -10)}
+    position={new Vector3(2, 6, 2)}
+    castShadowOf={shadowObjects}
+  />
  <ArcRotateCamera />
  <Box y={3} bind:object />
    options={{ width: 6, height: 6 }}
+   receiveShadows
<script lang="ts">
  import ArcRotateCamera from 'svelte-babylon/components/Cameras/ArcRotateCamera/index.svelte'
  import Box from 'svelte-babylon/components/Objects/Box/index.svelte'
  import Canvas from 'svelte-babylon/components/Canvas/index.svelte'
  import Scene from 'svelte-babylon/components/Scene/index.svelte'
+  import DirectionalLight from 'svelte-babylon/components/Lights/DirectionalLight/index.svelte'
  import Ground from 'svelte-babylon/components/Objects/Ground/index.svelte'
  import HemisphericLight from 'svelte-babylon/components/Lights/HemisphericLight/index.svelte'
  import type { AbstractMesh } from '@babylonjs/core/Meshes/abstractMesh'
  import type { Mesh } from '@babylonjs/core/Meshes/mesh.js'
  import type { Writable } from 'svelte/types/runtime/store'

  let object: <Writable<Mesh>

+  let shadowObjects: Array<Mesh>
+  $: {
+    const temp: typeof shadowObjects = []
+    if ($object) {
+      temp.push($object)
+    }
+    shadowObjects = temp
+  }

    preserveDrawingBuffer: true,
    stencil: true,
-  <HemisphericLight />
+  <HemisphericLight intensity={0.5} />
+  <DirectionalLight
+    intensity={0.25}
+    direction={new Vector3(-10, -20, -10)}
+    position={new Vector3(2, 6, 2)}
+    castShadowOf={shadowObjects}
+  />
  <ArcRotateCamera />
  <Box y={3} bind:object />
    options={{ width: 6, height: 6 }}
+   receiveShadows

Shadows are somewhat tricky to handle. A light needs to know what objects it should cast a shadow from. So we need to provide it an array of references to the objects, which should have a shadow.

Objects like our Ground components' have to know, that there might be a shadow to be cast on them. So we have to add the receiveShadows attribute to them.

And that's it. Your first scene using Svelte Babylon. Here is the whole code:

<script lang="ts">
	import ArcRotateCamera from 'svelte-babylon/components/Cameras/ArcRotateCamera/index.svelte'
	import Canvas from 'svelte-babylon/components/Canvas/index.svelte'
	import DirectionalLight from 'svelte-babylon/components/Lights/DirectionalLight/index.svelte'
	import HemisphericLight from 'svelte-babylon/components/Lights/HemisphericLight/index.svelte'
	import Box from 'svelte-babylon/components/Objects/Box/index.svelte'
	import Ground from 'svelte-babylon/components/Objects/Ground/index.svelte'
	import Scene from 'svelte-babylon/components/Scene/index.svelte'
	import { Vector3 } from '@babylonjs/core/Maths/math.vector'
	import type { Mesh } from '@babylonjs/core/Meshes/mesh.js'
	import type { Writable } from 'svelte/types/runtime/store'

	let object: Writable<Mesh>

	let shadowObjects: Array<Mesh>
	$: {
		const temp: typeof shadowObjects = []
		if ($object) {
		shadowObjects = temp

		preserveDrawingBuffer: true,
		stencil: true,
		<HemisphericLight intensity={0.5} />
			direction={new Vector3(-10, -20, -10)}
			position={new Vector3(2, 6, 2)}
		<ArcRotateCamera target={new Vector3(0, 3, 0)} />
		<Box y={3} bind:object />
		<Ground options={{ width: 6, height: 6, subdivisions: 2 }} receiveShadows y={1} />
<script lang="ts">
	import ArcRotateCamera from 'svelte-babylon/components/Cameras/ArcRotateCamera/index.svelte'
	import Canvas from 'svelte-babylon/components/Canvas/index.svelte'
	import DirectionalLight from 'svelte-babylon/components/Lights/DirectionalLight/index.svelte'
	import HemisphericLight from 'svelte-babylon/components/Lights/HemisphericLight/index.svelte'
	import Box from 'svelte-babylon/components/Objects/Box/index.svelte'
	import Ground from 'svelte-babylon/components/Objects/Ground/index.svelte'
	import Scene from 'svelte-babylon/components/Scene/index.svelte'
	import { Vector3 } from '@babylonjs/core/Maths/math.vector'
	import type { Mesh } from '@babylonjs/core/Meshes/mesh.js'
	import type { Writable } from 'svelte/types/runtime/store'

	let object: Writable<Mesh>

	let shadowObjects: Array<Mesh>
	$: {
		const temp: typeof shadowObjects = []
		if ($object) {
		shadowObjects = temp

		preserveDrawingBuffer: true,
		stencil: true,
		<HemisphericLight intensity={0.5} />
			direction={new Vector3(-10, -20, -10)}
			position={new Vector3(2, 6, 2)}
		<ArcRotateCamera target={new Vector3(0, 3, 0)} />
		<Box y={3} bind:object />
		<Ground options={{ width: 6, height: 6, subdivisions: 2 }} receiveShadows y={1} />
See code in action

If there're any svelte specific question you can ask via

, questions for BabylonJS can go to the
. In both cases you can use @myrmod to give a shoutout for me, since there is only one developer for now :).

Issues and feature requests can be place in
